Empowering Your Subconscious Mind to be Guided by Spirit

We facilitate the removal of critical energy blocks that interfere with your spiritual journey

This is an advanced program for Light Workers / Starseeds or those that are working on the planet’s ascension.

  • We bring you into the energy of Oneness by clearing your spiritual poisons.

  • We clear energy related to the body’s energy systems, emotions, toxins and immune system.


10:00am -2:00pm US Central Time

Visit our YouTube Channel to learn more about us!

No matter where we are on our spiritual journey, we’ve all had shocks and traumas that have damaged us

Clearing shocks & traumas will accelerate you on the journey to be your authentic self

This is what we cover in our sessions:


Energy has altered our magnetic energic fields & connections to ourselves, others & the planet

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Chemicals have altered our DNA, resulting in adaptations forcing us into survival

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Inherited emotions & past lives have altered our DNA damaging our mental & emotional bodies

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Our immune systems have been altered and they are the health and wealth of our spiritual connection to Source

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Energy Blocks

Energy outside of our control has impacted us along our journeys in our past and present lives. You have the ability to heal yourself, the facilitation of energy accelerates this process.

In this module we focus on removing energy blocks by introducing you to Oneness.

We work with your higher self and the Quantum Field (Oneness) to:

  • Remove your spiritual poisons

  • Bring awareness to the ego, mind & emotions

  • Help energy flow in the body

We cover:

  • The Body’s Energy Systems

    - Meridians

    - Subsystems (Chakras, Will Centers, Notochords, Auras)

  • Energy Balancing

  • Negative Attachments

  • Shocks & Traumas

Chemicals, Heavy Metals & Toxins

Our modern world has exposed the human body to many toxins and chemicals that can turn off our body’s electromagnetic fields causing negative consequences.

In this module we leverage the Quantum Field (Oneness) and facilitate energy to clear chemicals from the body.

The facilitated energy helps create an immunity to many common toxins.

We cover:

  • A scan of the body’s major organs & facilitation of energy to clear them

  • A scan & energy facilitation for the nervous system

  • Re-connecting the body’s 50 trillion cells to the hypothalamus to maintain harmony in the body

Traumas, Mental & Emotional Shocks

Shocks and traumas present a major block for ongoing spiritual growth.

As humans, we are exposed to enormous amounts of mental and emotional events that need to be released in order to live with love, peace, joy and interconnectedness.

We cover:

  • Neurotransmitters

  • Clearing the origin of your emotions

  • Reducing your emotions in this current life

  • Addressing mental disorders

  • Releasing your specific shocks & traumas

Immune System & Autoimmune

What the body created; the body can heal.

The role of the immune system is our connection to creator energy. This complex marvel cares for you like nothing else, it is your body’s lifeforce.

This facilitation covers both the Neural & Body’s Immune Systems by facilitating energy from the Quantum Field (Oneness) to influence the correction of the DNA.

We cover:

  • Whole body inflammation

  • The body’s first line of defenses

  • The cell’s function

  • The five immune subsystems (bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral & energy)

  • Viruses that are dormant in the body


  • We help you raise your energy, consciousness, and spirituality. This in return brings your gifts forward, leading you to your purpose. By doing this we bring you into the power of Oneness. In Onenes the energy is infinite, and you have the power to heal yourself.

    • Learning - we provide a library of videos before each weekly session to educate you about the energy work that will transpire. A sampling of these videos includes the soul vs spirit, self-love, moving yourself into spirit, clearing your emotions, and releasing what no longer serves you.

    • Live Experiences - through the use of our spiritual gifts, we facilitate energy from the Quantum Field (Oneness) to help clear what is blocking you. We leverage detailed protocols developed over the last 46+ years and measure energy to determine weaknesses. Energy is then facilitated from the Field for a positive impact to the areas identified. These live experiences are where you come to enjoy Oneness.

    • Questions - we leverage online technology to field questions during the live experiences. Through our interactive environment Q&A and discussions are ongoing.

    • Joining into Oneness - bringing the power of the Quantum Field to the group where we direct and facilitate the energy to reset DNA and release what no long serves you.

    • Participate in the learning and be open to concepts that challenge your thinking and belief systems.

    • Be present in the online energy experiences by participating in a supportive environment.

    • Challenge yourself to observe and witness Oneness through the daily practice of a mantra.

    • Keep yourself hydrated with high quality electrolytes throughout the four-week sessions. Your body requires full hydration to heal.

    • Use a computer (Mac, Windows, Chrome) or 8th generation iPad for the virtual experiences. Sorry, no phones.

    • Pay attention to all parts of you during these sessions to observe changes.

Feedback from our Participants

  • "I have a deeper connection to myself and Spirit with the awareness and tools to navigate my path."

  • "I no longer feel alone trying to understand and navigate my spiritual journey."

  • "This work is absolutely life-altering! Thank you!"

  • "I have a better understanding about my life's purpose and I'm experiencing more peace and tranquility than ever before.”

  • "My interactions with my father are unlike ever before—I'm calm and no longer triggered around him now."

  • “I finally feel like me. It’s the best feeling in the world.”

  • "I've come home to my Self. I am never abandoning her again."

  • "Interesting and unique stuff. I've been to a lot of workshops and I think you offer something different!"

  • "Loved The program! Wonderful information given and explained. Definitely feel a shift of energy… More peace… More clarity… Higher consciousness… More present."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Clearing blocks raises your energy that will then raise your consciousness and spirituality.

    As you grow spiritually your gifts begin to come out. You’ll become stronger in the gifts you already knew you had and discover ones you didn’t know about.

    Using your gifts takes you to your purpose.

  • We focus 20% of the course on education and 80% on the facilitation of energy. This means you are transforming through the part of you connected to Creator not the ego, mind and emotions.

    You will discover all of the benefits you receive from this program come from you; we just help facilitate.

    This is why we are different.

  • We refer to Oneness as the Quantum Field where all possibilities are available to you. The energy is infinite, all-encompassing and where all creation is interconnected. Moving yourself from the ego, mind and emotions to your spirit leads you to Oneness.

  • None of that actually matters. We are motivated to accelerate your spiritual journey and while we may use these terms during an experience, this won’t stop you from receiving the benefits of the energy facilitation. We will ask you in the intake form if you are familiar with those concepts and find a way to help you learn those terms.

  • Orgyen Dorje is a spiritual name given to our co-founder by a Buddhist Lama. Orgyen means the mystical and sacred Buddhafield of Guru Rinpoche, Dorje means indestructible wisdom.

    Orgyen Dorje is a retired Doctor of Chiropractic who has dedicated his life to helping people heal themselves through various tools that include Chinese Medicine, NET, Epigenetics, and energy medicine. His spiritual gift includes the ability to access the Quantum Field to help others with their own healing at the DNA level. He is now focusing his life’s work toward helping others become their true authentic spiritual self.

  • We are not doctors and do not provide medical advice. While you may experience love, joy, peace and Oneness from this program and feel great, you must consult with your doctor before altering any directed medical protocols.

  • We are using an advanced virtual solution called OneRoom. This technology brings you (the virtual participant) physically into the room with the facilitators. There is nothing to install and you will use a web browser, webcam and microphone on a computer to access the live experiences.

  • This is the only course we are offering presently and is the foundation for future modules.

  • Removing a large portion of your blocks will help you transform into your true authentic self.

    We honor and respect your decision to invest in yourself. We take our work seriously and have immense gratitude for the privilege of serving you on your journey.

  • Three hours of educational videos.

    Participation in the Oneness Community with others where you can ask further questions or continue the discussions.

    Participation in three live energy sessions

    Due to the nature of energy work, we recommend you attend 2 more courses. Repeating the courses will help you clear the multiple levels and layers associated with your unique energy blocks. Steeply discounted pricing is offered for these repeat courses.

  • Energy facilitation affects people in different ways. To help integrate the energy, we recommend ongoing rest and hydration with electrolytes.

    Anything that no longer serves you, including buried emotions, may continue to come up to be released. Attending the two additional courses as an active observer you will continue to receive the energy facilitations to release the various levels and layers of energy.

    While we are all unique, Oneness will bring you a greater sense of peace.

  • Yes, we offer the 2nd person half price ($450) and they must be physically present on camera with you..

We are honored to work with you